
insta my life

The month os December, via Instagram of course! 2012 was a fun year for us, we did a ton of camping this summer, traveled to England and France (a dream come true of mine), & I went to texas for my first time ever. Their was also some hard things about this year that I'm not sad to let go of and start a new year! I have a good feeling about this year, I think it has great things in store for us. We rang in the new year at home just the two of us, we has some fun plans with his family, but I was really really sick so Husband stayed home with me. I fell asleep before midnight, I know I'm boring, but I couldn't help it, and honestly it's the first new years (as far as I can remember) that I haven't stayed up late to bang pots and pans and what not at the stroke of midnight. I was a tad bit sad about it, but on the other hand I was so sick that I'd much rather sleep than bang pots and pans. Plus that night I got a much needed 12 hours of sleep, and I'm now glad to be feeling pretty much all better. Please sicknesses leave me alone, I've had enough of you in the past month. 
The above right picture is my husband around the age he was adopted, so cute! I hope all of our kids will look like him.
Miss Madison. Polka-dot, Polka-dot, Polka-dot AFRO! 
Above-left. My nephew thought I was rad because my new sweater made me look like a ninja, we had a legit ninja fight following.
I had to go to my work Christmas party alone because Andrey was sick with the flu.
Playing and leaving presents on someone's new camera.
And how could we not go see the lights at temple square? It's tradition!!!
Above-left. Celebrating on NYE (before I fell asleep too early). He even bought us sparkling cider so we could have our own celebration at home, but I never made it around that far.
So I may be 6 days too late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR! and wish everyone best of luck on completing your new years resolutions, and hoping that each of us will have a fantastic journey this year!

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