What some of you may or not know, is that I am a student of the arts at UVU and I am studying Photography. And I really do love it. This semester I was in a black and white film class, so I decided to try something new, well... new to me. So before our trip to Europe I purchased a Holga camera. I got a lot of comments from friends and family members "is that an old camera?" "you probably only paid a few bucks for that at the thrift store." as if... I wish. It is an inexpensive camera, but not $3. I felt a little silly using it at first, especially being around some pro-fesh photographers, but I really wanted to give it a try. And so I did, and after developing my first two rolls of film I fell in love a little bit. So for my whole project this semester I shot with the Holga, and I was surprised by how much I liked the outcome, and thankfully so were most other people around me in the photo department. So I'm a little bit excited to share it with you soon, not yet, but soon... I Promise!
For now I share with you these fabulous images from other students this semester at the UVU photography program. Amazing huh!
Clark Goldsberry - Photo By: John Reese
Photo By: Hannah Shaw
Photo By: Jen Budding
Photo By: Maria Corona
Teresa Flowers
Oh gosh, these portraits are so lovely!!! I'm studying photography as well :) I'll be excited to see your holga photos!