

Krissy is now eight years old and was diagnosed with type one diabetes when she was three. Her mother noticed the signes of her being extra thirsty all the time and needing to go to the bathroom, she knew those signs due to having a sister (Tiffany) and a father who are diabetic. Krissy use to have to take five injections a day, and now has an insulin pump. Each year in school when Krissy gets a new teacher they have to talk with the teacher to make sure she knows what Krissy can eat, she also has an aid at school who checks her blood sugar level throughout the day. Her mom said that diabetes effects everything, you constantly have to be thinking about it and making sure her levels are okay. "You can maybe go two hours with-ought worrying about it", and then you have to check on her and make sure everything is okay. 
Most Adoringly,

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